Xpiks 1.7.4 - Latest version
Overview. Released October 31, 2024. Full version:
- Add large preview option for grid and list modes
- Functionality to add directory with all subdirectories
- New plugin integrations into context menus for Title, Description and Keywords
- Ability to select or change video frame as video preview
- Functionality to rename the artwork file from Xpiks
- Show upload history summary per agency
- Show compatibility warnings for agencies when uploading
- Add functionality to export previews
- New search filter for last added files
- Functionality to sort files by created date (from metadata)
Xpiks 1.7.3
Released Sep 7, 2023.
- Improve stability of batch auto-keywording
- Fix duplicate vector attachments to previews
- Automatically normalize FTP filenames when needed
- Fix auto-keywording for TIFF files
- Notify about cloud upload start failures
- Preserve order of files when adding
- Allow importing CSV data from preview files
- Fix incorrect CSV format warning when importing
- Fix plugin settings lost during plugin update
- Do not review duplicates with empty metadata
- Security and stability improvements
- Improve license management
- Added “RAW” files support
- Show histogram for images
- Improve saving files reliability
- Allow partial cloud uploads
- Fix modified status not updated for vectors
Xpiks 1.7.2
Overview. Released May 28, 2023.
- Option to use the maximum bandwidth for upload for certain hosts
- Improved upload UI
- Option to skip normalizing filenames for FTP upload
- Upload support for Vectorstock
- Allow canceling upload to individual hosts
- Show the upload failure reason in the upload report
- Show the exact amount of skipped uploads due to Upload History
- Functionality to add preset to selected artworks
- Allow deleting preset group with all attached presets
- Option to create preset only for the current session
- Functionality to create a preset from artwork keywords
- Allow appending and prepending text to Title/Description
- Add empty/ready file selection options
- Possibility to set color tag from the single artwork edit view
- Option to use the filename as a description
- Allow applying QuickBuffer to multiple artworks
- Ability to zoom in/out in a single artwork editing view
- Ability to customize detected warnings
- Improve metadata reading and writing speed
- Option to show larger previews in keywords suggestion
- Support for image auto-rotation based on Orientation metadata
- Use natural sorting for filenames with numbers
- Functionality to show exported CSV files in folder
- Functionality to move artworks to another folder
- Add the option to have light preview background
- Support for reading/writing video metadata with previews
- Render vector file from embedded preview (without external preview file)
- Show onboarding progress for new users
- Functionality to duplicate a CSV export plan
- Show specific error messages from license activation errors
- Warning when closing unsaved Keywords Suggestion
Xpiks 1.7.1
Overview. Released May 31, 2022.
- Ability to upload via Xpiks Cloud
- Speedup local upload to a single host
- Plugin to translate to and from 26 languages
- Plugin to track user cloud uploads
- Add functionality to delete the license
- Add ability to reset host upload settings to defaults
- Allow to Find-and-Replace to a list of keywords
- Ask for user email to start a trial
- Allow limited CSV export plans for free plan users
- Allow limited presets for free plan users
- Improve filename matching when using CSV import
- Improve upload history accounting for changed files
- Fix upload progress stalled after upload is retried
- Fix hang on Windows when Delete Keywords is used
- Fix crash of translation plugin load on Windows
- Add Thai translation
- Fix plugins update process
- Improve keywords suggestion reliability
- Fix upload to Vecteezy
- Improve reliability of saving metadata to EPS
- Improve retrying uploads reliability
Xpiks 1.7.0
Overview. Released Sep 16, 2021. Full version:
- Add support for plugin marketplace
- Plugin for automatic keywording
- Plugin for creating keywording orders
- Plugin for creating model releases
- Plugin for trimming keywords
- Plugin for tracking rankings on microstocks
- Add Greek translation
- Keywords suggestions using reverse image search
- Add exiftool replacement on macOS due to Perl being deprecated
- New updates installer on Windows
- Functionality to find similar images in keywords suggestions
- Keywords suggestions support for videos
- Ability to change the order of upload hosts
- Ability to save Title to IPTC:Headline (for iStock upload)
- Ability to add Copyright metadata
- Make app notifications less obtrusive
- Add support for PNG
Xpiks 1.6.0
Overview. Released Sep 13, 2020. Full version:
- Background upload support
- Fail-safe mode of generation video previews
- Support for custom FTP directories for upload
- New warnings for EPS filesize
- New warnings for vector preview size
- Spelling suggestions in keyword editing dialog
- FTPS support
- Custom CSV export columns
- Metadata import from CSV
- Show latest blogposts and tutorials on start
- Support form within the app
- Upload history for artworks
- SVG files support
- Settings synchronization
- Color tags for artworks
- Support thresholds for local thumbnails cache
- Ability to reupload failed files with one click
- Smart preset groups for recently added and used
- Option to keep presets sorted alphabetically
- Add suggested keywords with Ctrl + click
- New translations to Czech and Romanian
- Automatic suggestions for helpdesk
Xpiks 1.5.5
Released Nov 21, 2019. Full version:
- Xpiks is notarized for macOS
- Update openSSL libraries on Windows
- Add help links in dialogs
- Enable upload hosts scrolling during upload
- Fix potential issue with thumbnails generation
- Fix keywords blinking too often
- Set forced left to right orientation
Xpiks 1.5.4
Released Jul 20, 2019.
- Fix CSV filenames mismatch with uploaded files
- Fix updater on Windows not starting
- Fix upload timeout issues
- Fix Windows update issues
- Fix EPS metadata writing
- Improve upload reliability on slow connections
- Fix EPS backups created always
Xpiks 1.5.3
Released Jun 22, 2019.
- Beta support for saving metadata to EPS files
- Support for skipping vector previews on upload
- Use Adobe Stock instead of Fotolia for keywords suggestion
- Manage preset groups functionality
- Manage translation dictionaries functionality
- Shutterstock search results now include also editorial
- Improve FTP upload speed
- Remove warning about duplicate keywords in Title and Description
- Fix issue with CSV file format for Shutterstock
- Fix for loading suggestion thumbnails from end
- Fix for switching to next/prev artwork not working from edit fields
- Fix issue with exiftool path in Linux
Xpiks 1.5.2
Released Jun 11, 2018.
- Autocompletion in Presets window
- GDPR-related privacy consent question
- Consolidate filenames for upload
- Improved stock upload options
- Fixes for handling of corrupted internal database
- Fix for stock suggestions sometimes not available
Xpiks 1.5.1
Released Mar 4, 2018.
- Added Italian translation
- Fix for default CSV plans being not usable
- Fix for warnings not updated after editing
- Fix for artwork grid filtering positioning
- Fix for Upload dialog host Title issues
- Option to have portable settings in Xpiks
- Show links from More menu on bigger screens
- Fix for video previews of files larger than 2GB
- Ability to mouse move full size image in single view
- Basic drag’n’drop functionality for keywords
Xpiks 1.5.0
Released Jan 14, 2018.
- Support for Video files
- Words semantic analysis (duplicates detection)
- Presets groups and autocompletion
- Session management
- CSV export
- New shiny UI
- Automatic metadata import support
- Directories filtering
- New languages: Hungarian, Indonesian, Polish and Turkish