Agency credentials

Sometimes agencies are using different username/password for FTP access than they use for website login. Luckily, you need to set them up only once. This page contains instructions on how exactly to get them.

Table of Contents:

Adobe Stock

NOTE: Your account needs to be “qualified” to upload via SFTP, otherwise only web upload is available. See step 3 for details.

To closely follow the process, make sure you use English version of Adobe Stock portal. You can also check the official guide from Adobe.

Step 1. Login to Adobe Stock portal

Open Adobe Stock Portal and click “Sell” to take you to the contributor login.

Adobe Stock Portal

Please login using your username and password to Adobe Stock Contributor portal before continuing with the next step.

Step 2. Click “Upload” button

Click the upload button, which is in the top right corner.

Click Upload

Step 3. Click “Learn more” link

If you do not see the “Learn more” link, it means your account does not qualify for FTP upload in Adobe Stock. Please contact Adobe Stock support to find out why.

You will see instructions for uploading. Click “Learn more” link, which is next to the text “You can also import files using your SFTP”.

Click Learn more

Step 4. Click “Generate password”

Now you have your SFTP username/password. Keep in mind that your SFTP password will be changed every time when you click “Generate password”.

Click Generate

Just copy them to Xpiks and click “Test connection” to verify that it works.


Step 1. Login to Dreamstime portal in browser

Dreamstime Portal

Step 2. Click “My account” link

Click “My account” and then, on the right, find “Uploads” and “FTP upload”.

My account

Step 3. Find your FTP credentials

Note: Dreamstime offers you only a different username at the moment. Password is the same as you use to login.

FTP password

Just copy them to Xpiks and click “Test connection” to verify that it works.